25 December 2008

The World Is Flat: 10 off the strength of the World

In the book The World Is Flat, Friedman said that the world didatarkan convergence by 10 major events related to politics, innovation and the company. Rapid development that makes people become increasingly busy, the more you can see one another, although in a different hemisphere. Continuing my previous article, entitled The World Is Flat: New version of globalization, I try to summarize the strength of 10 according to Friedman pendataran support the world.


Berlin wall fall on 9 November 1989 is a milestone starting democratization and the growth of creativity. Not only become a historical point of departure bersatunya germany east and west, they fall even Berlin wall to India. Minister keungan India at the time that is Mannohan Singh took the initiative to start opening the door economy in 1991, release management style socialist who almost membangkrutkan India, increasing foreign exchange reserves that were previously only $ 1 million to $ 118 billion, and increase the economic growth of only 3% to more than 7%. In Europe alone the Berlin wall fall opened the way terbentuknya EU, expansion of 15 countries to 25 countries, and with the emergence of a currency named Euro.

6 months after the Berlin wall fall, Microsoft Windows 3.0 with features that appear easier to use. Although, of course, Bill Gates must say thank you to our competitors that is Steve Jobs the first home computer pioneer Apple II called 1977, which also open the standard IBM Personal Computer (PC) so that it can be developed by anyone in the world like this now. Some creativity in the escape by Friedman is noted in the same year Linus Torvald build the first generation of the Linux kernel, which is suspected by the author does not own Linux operating system into a modern and biggest rival Microsoft in the present era.

2. ZAMAN connectivity: WHEN the world WWW

World Wide Web (WWW) or change the Web and then called the Internet a wonderful virtual world. With the Web people can put the paper to digital accessible to anyone, the documents that are stored on the server and displaying on a computer screen in a way that is easy. Tim Berners-Lee the creator of the WWW has participated in the process out of the world. In thesis PhDnya Tim Berners-Lee to continue working Vint Cerf and Bob Kahn developed the first Internet. Web space is a virtual information, if a lot of computers on the Internet, the Web is in many documents, voice, video, and various other information. Not one of the Times magazine edition 14 June 1999 placing Tim Berners-Lee as one of the 100 most influential people in the 20th century. Tim Berners-Lee still struggling to make WWW open, without property rights and free. He also popularize the code that is easy to learn hypertext (HTML), the design scheme of the address (URL), designing the rules on the Web, which then became HTTP (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol).

What are Tim Berners-Lee certainly will not be booming without the role of Jim Clark and Marc Andreessen that make the browser called mosaic and then changed to Netscape. Go public its leadership in the days of Netscape's Jim Barksdale as CEO in 1994 opened a new sheet of bubble (bubble) a lot of capital to new business in the Internet. Global Crossing, including companies that splashed bubble, because the trust and investment gain of nearly all telecommunications companies to install fiber optic cable network in the world. Netscape and Global Crossing did not participate in the dotcom business, but they are a pioneer reclaim dotcom business (including eBay, Amazon and Google). Said another historical fact, the bankrupt Global Crossing with $ 12.4 billion in debt because of too much fiber optic network that was built when traffic needs of the business does not. Netscape also must roll mats purchased by AOL. Bill Gates mengibaratkan this phenomenon with the Internet business is business as gold, sometimes more money generated from the sale of Levis, hoe, shovel, and hotel rooms to the penambang than that obtained from the gold mine itself.

3. REFORMASI work flow and software

The influence of the era of connectivity with the Internet and the Web to open the possibility of changes in work flow significantly. Scott Hyten is the CEO of Wild Brain, great animation company in San Francisco that has been making films and cartoons for Disney. Scott told how he produced a film with the work flow of the world even. Recording unit is located near the artists, usually in New York or LA. Design and penyutradaraan conducted in San Francisco. The authors send naskahnya of each of their home (Florida, London, New York, Chicago and LA). Animated figures-tokohnya done in Bangalore and the editing is done in San Francisco. Natural flow of the style of Scott called "soccer" is very efficient, so the 8 team in Bangalore to work in parallel with 8 authors, although the artist should be involved in 50 productions.

All work can be done over because of a software work flow well. Fiber optic network over high-speed, Internet technology and support protokolnya, from HTTP, SMTP, POP, SNMP, HTML, XML, SOAP, AJAX, and also with the ease of electronic payments such as PayPal payment gateway, the company offers solutions such SalesForce.Com and devices workflow software that can solve problems and provide effective business solutions.

For while the first, "Lho kok cuman 3, he said there are 10?". Yes biar seru awaited and waiting, I continue in the next article.

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