Strengthen Branding Mass Media Electronics
byEko pamuji
Perkembangan electronic mass media would like to think I do not want to follow the flow of the concept of Web 2.0. Web 2.0 is mengusung keyword: blogging, social Bookmarking, social networking, RSS feeds, wikis, podcasts, social software is when we pull abstraksinya will culminate to community building and community participation. This may sekelumit theme of the discussion last night, thursday 3 May 2007 in the headquarters in Pondok Indah a truly beautiful and magnificent,friends in, one of the electronic mass media to target Muslims who may be at this time said in Indonesia, to invite me to discuss the trends and changes in electronic mass media. Hmmm may be a provocateur is Furqon mas, my friends who are from Medan berdjoeang in eramuslim:)
I started the discussion of development of the Internet makes the world even more. Discussions analysis to sharpen my mind that Thomas Friedman senada with the Times magazine, where major changes will be shifted to individual movement. Thomas Friedman on Globalization Version 3 of the Times and Person of the Year 2006 is not the person but you choose, do you all share ideas, knowledge and content on the Internet. Movement individual model innovation to create change from a top-down bottom-up, business will also lead to a community based organization, where individuals or community participation will play an important role. This automatically brought to the implications of the marketing department must be oriented to marketing by participation. Egroups purchase by the end become a yahoogroups, google adsensenya with Google, Amazon with book reviewnya, and Kilasan.Com news toss with the technique, are examples of how simple strategies they use to the concept of individual participation.
Some of my thoughts for me rangkumkan in the form of point-point, such as below. I intentionally share in the blog because I believe that this knowledge may be useful for colleagues who are berdjoeang Internet content in the world;)
Eramuslim have selected niche markets which are unique and this is quite evident faithful, the Muslims of Indonesia. Marketing concept of the triangle GDP (Positioning, differentiation, Branding), positioning and differentiation can be. Concentration and focus on niche market content to the existing strategy may be best.
Sharpen the brand and drive according to the niche market who want to be pursued. Keyword "information and solutions are" probably less "menggemuruh";) This is in the triangle marketing GDP, the incoming Branding. Cannonading branding should be strengthened, with mengarahkannya unique to the market over the line.
Use some SEO techniques that can support the brand. Site's title tags, the use of H1 in the title of the article, and various SEO techniques that well and not to enter the area blackhat SEO. As a guide at the beginning of any posts may be interesting.
Perbanyak activities that lead to individuals or communty participation. Making Islamic encyclopedia, writing competition, the provision for the site banner eramuslim private contributors, etc.. If you need to form a community of readers eramuslim mailing list, this made friends in the mass media for readers to approach setianya-readers.
Activate features syndication (RSS feeds), which allows readers to read materials eramuslim without visiting the site. Readers can use the site or RSS reader software to get the title, or even material abstraksi full. This will create a "ruh" and "brand" eramuslim spread more quickly to different places. If it does not enable full content syndication, at least the title and abstraksi can be fetched, it's good enough. The average national news portal and international syndication already provide this feature.
Analysis of the continuous trend visits, the statistics and find formulas and the direction of the changes must be made. Use a variety of tools that complete statistics, for example, google analytics, google trends, webaliser, awstats, etc.. Take the words of Michael Dell in the title of a book only the paranoid success, required behavior because of fear of losing customers due to the weak trend analysis and statistics, especially for electronic mass media content related quality and quantity of visits.
Prepare all the changes to human resources. Provided based analysis and scientific vision to a better future, not only changes in the features, tools, and views, should be ready if necessary to change the DNA (DNA Change), although this is a change in terberat learning organization. One of the legendary success stories DNA Change is made Andy Grove of Intel's change the DNA of a memory chip microprocessor manufacturer, and a success because it is already a giant Intel microprocessor world.
Completed before the formal discussion Sholat Maghrib, after Maghrib resumed discussion of non-formal, but more intense, and in particular with Ihsan mas, mas mas Bambang and Furqon until 20:00 o'clock. Discussion of the more exciting with the advent pack MM Nasution, general manager eramuslim that provides some challenges to friends eramuslim;) marked the climax comes the discussion boiled noodles plus having a speech impediment and meatball anget. Thanks to friends in eramuslim, hopefully to bring the benefits of discussion for all of us. Amiin.
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