25 December 2008

Is the system safe?

by Eko pamuji

Ketika have questions, such as the system is actually what is called truly safe, it may be a fit is like what is said Eugene H. Spafford below:

The only truly secure system is one that is powered off, cast in a block of concrete and SEALED in a lead-lined room with armed guards - and even then I have my doubts (Eugene H. Spafford).

Certainly not such that we want. If a system or we just turn off the computer, to enter the room and who does not have an sepasukan guarded military, then certainly the system or the computer is no longer useful for kita. size of a secure system that is directed to some of the parameters below:

A system where an attacker (intruder) must give up a lot of time, effort and cost in order to attack large
Risk issued attacker (intruder) not comparable with results obtained

System security also is a trade-off or a pull overextend perimbangan between security and cost (cost). The more secure a system (high level), the higher the cost required to fulfill. Therefore, in fact, a safe level system can be said is the optimal level (optimal level) of security. This means the point where there perimbangan between the cost incurred and the level of security needed. This phenomenon is explained by the theory of Thomas Olovsson security cost function is written.

So we can simpulkan that security needs for a computer system is different, depending on:

Applications that have inside
The value of existing data in the system
The availability of funding sources

We may not impose itself fully secure the system when in fact there is no important data in it, not the application that must be protected or not a sufficient source of funds to secure a system. Security cost function is described in the implementation of security policy (security policies), namely:

A set of rules that set things are allowed and what is forbidden to use or access to the utilization of a system during normal operation, based on the balance of repartee between protection costs and risks arising.

Concept of mind over, munculah a branch of computer science who discuss specific security is a computer security (security). Computer security is defined by John D. Howard as:

Computer security is Preventing attackers from achieving objectives through unauthorized access or unauthorized use of computers and networks. (John D. Howard)

We can simpulkan from the various definitions, security is:

Prevention of a business and computer use pendeteksian the invalid or not allowed
Efforts to protect the assets and maintain the privacy of the cracker that attack.

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