25 December 2008

Keyczar, a la Google Security Algorithm

Google developed a free toolkit called Keyczar that can be used for cryptography. Platformnya that open source software developers to help develop the application security cheap. Toolkit can also supports authentication and encryption that can be applied to the Java application and Pyhton.

One of the reasons for choosing Keyczar is the ability to disandingkan directly with the program code is created by software developers. Thus the error model selection algorithm chiper can be avoided
at the same time can help in the implementation of some encryption algorithms, or asymmetric simetrik good.

The first version Keyczar already get a license from the Apache 2.0. This application is already available on Google Code, only the toolkit is available only available for Java with a library file berekstensi. JAR and Phyton with ZIP compression. While for the C + + version will be released in the near future Google.

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