Strengthen Branding Mass Media Electronics
byEko pamuji
Perkembangan electronic mass media would like to think I do not want to follow the flow of the concept of Web 2.0. Web 2.0 is mengusung keyword: blogging, social Bookmarking, social networking, RSS feeds, wikis, podcasts, social software is when we pull abstraksinya will culminate to community building and community participation. This may sekelumit theme of the discussion last night, thursday 3 May 2007 in the headquarters in Pondok Indah a truly beautiful and magnificent,friends in, one of the electronic mass media to target Muslims who may be at this time said in Indonesia, to invite me to discuss the trends and changes in electronic mass media. Hmmm may be a provocateur is Furqon mas, my friends who are from Medan berdjoeang in eramuslim:)
I started the discussion of development of the Internet makes the world even more. Discussions analysis to sharpen my mind that Thomas Friedman senada with the Times magazine, where major changes will be shifted to individual movement. Thomas Friedman on Globalization Version 3 of the Times and Person of the Year 2006 is not the person but you choose, do you all share ideas, knowledge and content on the Internet. Movement individual model innovation to create change from a top-down bottom-up, business will also lead to a community based organization, where individuals or community participation will play an important role. This automatically brought to the implications of the marketing department must be oriented to marketing by participation. Egroups purchase by the end become a yahoogroups, google adsensenya with Google, Amazon with book reviewnya, and Kilasan.Com news toss with the technique, are examples of how simple strategies they use to the concept of individual participation.
Some of my thoughts for me rangkumkan in the form of point-point, such as below. I intentionally share in the blog because I believe that this knowledge may be useful for colleagues who are berdjoeang Internet content in the world;)
Eramuslim have selected niche markets which are unique and this is quite evident faithful, the Muslims of Indonesia. Marketing concept of the triangle GDP (Positioning, differentiation, Branding), positioning and differentiation can be. Concentration and focus on niche market content to the existing strategy may be best.
Sharpen the brand and drive according to the niche market who want to be pursued. Keyword "information and solutions are" probably less "menggemuruh";) This is in the triangle marketing GDP, the incoming Branding. Cannonading branding should be strengthened, with mengarahkannya unique to the market over the line.
Use some SEO techniques that can support the brand. Site's title tags, the use of H1 in the title of the article, and various SEO techniques that well and not to enter the area blackhat SEO. As a guide at the beginning of any posts may be interesting.
Perbanyak activities that lead to individuals or communty participation. Making Islamic encyclopedia, writing competition, the provision for the site banner eramuslim private contributors, etc.. If you need to form a community of readers eramuslim mailing list, this made friends in the mass media for readers to approach setianya-readers.
Activate features syndication (RSS feeds), which allows readers to read materials eramuslim without visiting the site. Readers can use the site or RSS reader software to get the title, or even material abstraksi full. This will create a "ruh" and "brand" eramuslim spread more quickly to different places. If it does not enable full content syndication, at least the title and abstraksi can be fetched, it's good enough. The average national news portal and international syndication already provide this feature.
Analysis of the continuous trend visits, the statistics and find formulas and the direction of the changes must be made. Use a variety of tools that complete statistics, for example, google analytics, google trends, webaliser, awstats, etc.. Take the words of Michael Dell in the title of a book only the paranoid success, required behavior because of fear of losing customers due to the weak trend analysis and statistics, especially for electronic mass media content related quality and quantity of visits.
Prepare all the changes to human resources. Provided based analysis and scientific vision to a better future, not only changes in the features, tools, and views, should be ready if necessary to change the DNA (DNA Change), although this is a change in terberat learning organization. One of the legendary success stories DNA Change is made Andy Grove of Intel's change the DNA of a memory chip microprocessor manufacturer, and a success because it is already a giant Intel microprocessor world.
Completed before the formal discussion Sholat Maghrib, after Maghrib resumed discussion of non-formal, but more intense, and in particular with Ihsan mas, mas mas Bambang and Furqon until 20:00 o'clock. Discussion of the more exciting with the advent pack MM Nasution, general manager eramuslim that provides some challenges to friends eramuslim;) marked the climax comes the discussion boiled noodles plus having a speech impediment and meatball anget. Thanks to friends in eramuslim, hopefully to bring the benefits of discussion for all of us. Amiin.
25 December 2008
Keyczar, a la Google Security Algorithm
Google developed a free toolkit called Keyczar that can be used for cryptography. Platformnya that open source software developers to help develop the application security cheap. Toolkit can also supports authentication and encryption that can be applied to the Java application and Pyhton.
One of the reasons for choosing Keyczar is the ability to disandingkan directly with the program code is created by software developers. Thus the error model selection algorithm chiper can be avoided
at the same time can help in the implementation of some encryption algorithms, or asymmetric simetrik good.
The first version Keyczar already get a license from the Apache 2.0. This application is already available on Google Code, only the toolkit is available only available for Java with a library file berekstensi. JAR and Phyton with ZIP compression. While for the C + + version will be released in the near future Google.
Google developed a free toolkit called Keyczar that can be used for cryptography. Platformnya that open source software developers to help develop the application security cheap. Toolkit can also supports authentication and encryption that can be applied to the Java application and Pyhton.
One of the reasons for choosing Keyczar is the ability to disandingkan directly with the program code is created by software developers. Thus the error model selection algorithm chiper can be avoided
at the same time can help in the implementation of some encryption algorithms, or asymmetric simetrik good.
The first version Keyczar already get a license from the Apache 2.0. This application is already available on Google Code, only the toolkit is available only available for Java with a library file berekstensi. JAR and Phyton with ZIP compression. While for the C + + version will be released in the near future Google.
Is the system safe?
by Eko pamuji
Ketika have questions, such as the system is actually what is called truly safe, it may be a fit is like what is said Eugene H. Spafford below:
The only truly secure system is one that is powered off, cast in a block of concrete and SEALED in a lead-lined room with armed guards - and even then I have my doubts (Eugene H. Spafford).
Certainly not such that we want. If a system or we just turn off the computer, to enter the room and who does not have an sepasukan guarded military, then certainly the system or the computer is no longer useful for kita. size of a secure system that is directed to some of the parameters below:
A system where an attacker (intruder) must give up a lot of time, effort and cost in order to attack large
Risk issued attacker (intruder) not comparable with results obtained
System security also is a trade-off or a pull overextend perimbangan between security and cost (cost). The more secure a system (high level), the higher the cost required to fulfill. Therefore, in fact, a safe level system can be said is the optimal level (optimal level) of security. This means the point where there perimbangan between the cost incurred and the level of security needed. This phenomenon is explained by the theory of Thomas Olovsson security cost function is written.
So we can simpulkan that security needs for a computer system is different, depending on:
Applications that have inside
The value of existing data in the system
The availability of funding sources
We may not impose itself fully secure the system when in fact there is no important data in it, not the application that must be protected or not a sufficient source of funds to secure a system. Security cost function is described in the implementation of security policy (security policies), namely:
A set of rules that set things are allowed and what is forbidden to use or access to the utilization of a system during normal operation, based on the balance of repartee between protection costs and risks arising.
Concept of mind over, munculah a branch of computer science who discuss specific security is a computer security (security). Computer security is defined by John D. Howard as:
Computer security is Preventing attackers from achieving objectives through unauthorized access or unauthorized use of computers and networks. (John D. Howard)
We can simpulkan from the various definitions, security is:
Prevention of a business and computer use pendeteksian the invalid or not allowed
Efforts to protect the assets and maintain the privacy of the cracker that attack.
by Eko pamuji
Ketika have questions, such as the system is actually what is called truly safe, it may be a fit is like what is said Eugene H. Spafford below:
The only truly secure system is one that is powered off, cast in a block of concrete and SEALED in a lead-lined room with armed guards - and even then I have my doubts (Eugene H. Spafford).
Certainly not such that we want. If a system or we just turn off the computer, to enter the room and who does not have an sepasukan guarded military, then certainly the system or the computer is no longer useful for kita. size of a secure system that is directed to some of the parameters below:
A system where an attacker (intruder) must give up a lot of time, effort and cost in order to attack large
Risk issued attacker (intruder) not comparable with results obtained
System security also is a trade-off or a pull overextend perimbangan between security and cost (cost). The more secure a system (high level), the higher the cost required to fulfill. Therefore, in fact, a safe level system can be said is the optimal level (optimal level) of security. This means the point where there perimbangan between the cost incurred and the level of security needed. This phenomenon is explained by the theory of Thomas Olovsson security cost function is written.
So we can simpulkan that security needs for a computer system is different, depending on:
Applications that have inside
The value of existing data in the system
The availability of funding sources
We may not impose itself fully secure the system when in fact there is no important data in it, not the application that must be protected or not a sufficient source of funds to secure a system. Security cost function is described in the implementation of security policy (security policies), namely:
A set of rules that set things are allowed and what is forbidden to use or access to the utilization of a system during normal operation, based on the balance of repartee between protection costs and risks arising.
Concept of mind over, munculah a branch of computer science who discuss specific security is a computer security (security). Computer security is defined by John D. Howard as:
Computer security is Preventing attackers from achieving objectives through unauthorized access or unauthorized use of computers and networks. (John D. Howard)
We can simpulkan from the various definitions, security is:
Prevention of a business and computer use pendeteksian the invalid or not allowed
Efforts to protect the assets and maintain the privacy of the cracker that attack.
Ready to Move cUIL of Google.
Position as the top Google search engine giant will presumably digoyang new players. Couple, Tom Costello and Anna Patterson (both are former players are Google) gave birth to "chunk" (read: cool). Costello also currently serves as the researchers at Stanford University and IBM. Costello and Patterson would also be assisted by the former players are Google, Russel Power and Louis Monier.
In terms of appearance, rather than winning more chunk of Google, chipped weight degan minimalist design of the color black as a base. When users enter a keyword in the chunk, the chunk will bring news that the index has a connection with the main keyword (semantics). So when chipped to find the keywords that are requested, the tab will show the other is the correlation of the words first.
Even in terms of search, chipped himself able to claim a 120 billion web pages and able to provide assurance to the user's privacy. On a different occasion, claiming Google is able to produce 1 billion web pages.
In work, chipped the other advantages that are not owned by Google. Chipped able to give a ranking in the index to show the required news. Chipped categorize the results obtained in an index. Costello also chipped mangklaim that can process data more quickly rather than 3x Google. This is because the place has chipped nearest data storage, while relying on Google's centralized source of data. Want to try to "chunk", please download
Position as the top Google search engine giant will presumably digoyang new players. Couple, Tom Costello and Anna Patterson (both are former players are Google) gave birth to "chunk" (read: cool). Costello also currently serves as the researchers at Stanford University and IBM. Costello and Patterson would also be assisted by the former players are Google, Russel Power and Louis Monier.
In terms of appearance, rather than winning more chunk of Google, chipped weight degan minimalist design of the color black as a base. When users enter a keyword in the chunk, the chunk will bring news that the index has a connection with the main keyword (semantics). So when chipped to find the keywords that are requested, the tab will show the other is the correlation of the words first.
Even in terms of search, chipped himself able to claim a 120 billion web pages and able to provide assurance to the user's privacy. On a different occasion, claiming Google is able to produce 1 billion web pages.
In work, chipped the other advantages that are not owned by Google. Chipped able to give a ranking in the index to show the required news. Chipped categorize the results obtained in an index. Costello also chipped mangklaim that can process data more quickly rather than 3x Google. This is because the place has chipped nearest data storage, while relying on Google's centralized source of data. Want to try to "chunk", please download
10 tips for students to become Entrepreneur lugu
EKO, for us as a university student I have had time to practice. When I am so pinginnya tuh passed directly to independent companies make their own aliases. What is?
I am helpless kupret mas, informatics engineering student coding ability but weak. If you create a design-sih lumayan mas, photoshop and CorelDraw peganganku it every day. I have a dream Pingin own, cuman ngerti I do and what I need to learn now. Help me get gold. (Irwan, Bandung)
Two questions that often appear when I fill in seminars and workshops in the campuses of Entrepreneurship. Questions should we esteem because we have the young generation the spirit to live independently and not depending on the mercy of others. I said how many, only for students who may still plain and simple, I give 10 easy tricks like this.
Learn the background of the friend. Father and mother, working as what for example. Whether there is a doctor, managing the clinic, hospital or pharmacy? Or there may be a bookstore or library manager? Oh there may be working in the workshop? Learn and find all the information as much as possible? Lha for what? Hush silent first, follow the tips.
Ok now select, search for friends who could be a compromise, which is quite close or even friends, and have the same spirit of free to start doing business. We choose it to his father have a chance to manage or pharmacy. Lho would continue digimanain tuh?
Find a book in a bookstore, there is a book about learning the programming language to build applications using the example or management information system (SIM) for the chemist? Search terselip the book until the shelves in bookstores. Sometimes there are even books that covernya ugly design, but the full case studies, and even shared the source code. I can also? Ok let's find the open source course, try to check from, I believe can be found. Lha if not also nemu? Try Googling deh:)
Now to start oprek SIM pharmacy earlier. Start learning the code, oprek and add functions as needed. Still no simple first papa. Open all files image, both gif, jpg and png. Do image editing, or create a new, unique and special. Basically percantik design, this is a joke, let alone your swashbuckler image manipulation and photo (not the original porno):) Do not forget to check the license that does not melanggat, and also give credit to the developers if the original opensource. I need to enter a risih the phrase "Powered by .... "Or" Engine by ... "in the SIM Apotik we oprek earlier.
Eng-ing-eng ... we already have a software product that is ready I offered, even if simple engine and its ngambil from the example in the book or opensource. Nah obrolkan friend with which we select before, ask him to "persuade" that his father would use the software on the SIM that he owned pharmacies. I do not need to pay, free, live nyediakan PC or laptopnya course, do not need sophisticated itupun-powerful. Old computer just yet SIM, we also feature many have not.
Successfully implemented, hurray! With our friends before, aid officials pharmacy data to the data entry list of drugs provided by pharmacies. Do not forget to make banners and brochures on the computer before, give any posts: "This Apotik Managed with Apotik Management Information System (SIMAPO) ver 1.0";)
Do not be satisfied until there, create a site for a campaign, if there is no capital use only with the free blog Wordpress.Com or Deh blog, tell SIMAPO how it developed. Write the introduction of management information systems, about the drugs, the pharmacies, pharmacy on why IT must be utilized. If you need to Care for visitors with a list of pharmacies throughout the country, from which the data? Yes or YellowPage search of Googling yo. Ops so rusted, do not forget to give the text a bit gede: "SIMAPO ver 1.0 has been implemented in A Pharmacies in the city of Indonesia."
Still not be satisfied, touched another friend who has a neighbor, grandfather, grandmother, father, mother, uncle or brother both far and near who manage pharmacy. Request that would install, free of charge, but if I also want to pay nolak, deh Rp 500,000, Rp 50,000 ditawar if I'm not the problem. Think of any increased costs to install the SIM angkot it:). Do not forget to update banners and brochures, "This Apotik Managed with SIMAPO ver 1.0, Management Information System for Pharmacies that have been implemented in some large city in Indonesia."
Alhamdulillah can have two customer coi! While still free, but bearable for nambahi Portfolio:) oprek Start-oprek application Pharmacies we add features based on feedback from Apotik who already use. Benahi more user interface, percantik again, make a fresh and unique, give the new version 1.1. Begin to offer more, not only more free, Rp 300,000 or Rp 700,000 gitu deh, but if you have a friend their own home have cost the road also OK:) Hopefully can continue to develop, or in 1-2 years probably could have started follow-up tender with the Ministry of Health pagu Rp 100 million for the SIM Apotik tuh ... hehehe
If it is cooked with a product, continues to refine the product until the full feature. And if interested to develop other products, ranging from the first phase, looking for friends that his father has a workshop, the library, a bookstore, etc.. Lha know who can bikinkan application for a workshop, a library or bookstore.
I feel, after passing through the stages to 10, two students lugu we reincarnate into two entrepreneur:) The friends who still others hurried to bring job application letter, the two graduate students this when it is independent, have a well-established products , which is ready for sale and offered to various institutions or companies. Apparently does not enter university futile lho, knowledge learned on campus can be used to thank God our lives, can even open a new employment.
EKO, for us as a university student I have had time to practice. When I am so pinginnya tuh passed directly to independent companies make their own aliases. What is?
I am helpless kupret mas, informatics engineering student coding ability but weak. If you create a design-sih lumayan mas, photoshop and CorelDraw peganganku it every day. I have a dream Pingin own, cuman ngerti I do and what I need to learn now. Help me get gold. (Irwan, Bandung)
Two questions that often appear when I fill in seminars and workshops in the campuses of Entrepreneurship. Questions should we esteem because we have the young generation the spirit to live independently and not depending on the mercy of others. I said how many, only for students who may still plain and simple, I give 10 easy tricks like this.
Learn the background of the friend. Father and mother, working as what for example. Whether there is a doctor, managing the clinic, hospital or pharmacy? Or there may be a bookstore or library manager? Oh there may be working in the workshop? Learn and find all the information as much as possible? Lha for what? Hush silent first, follow the tips.
Ok now select, search for friends who could be a compromise, which is quite close or even friends, and have the same spirit of free to start doing business. We choose it to his father have a chance to manage or pharmacy. Lho would continue digimanain tuh?
Find a book in a bookstore, there is a book about learning the programming language to build applications using the example or management information system (SIM) for the chemist? Search terselip the book until the shelves in bookstores. Sometimes there are even books that covernya ugly design, but the full case studies, and even shared the source code. I can also? Ok let's find the open source course, try to check from, I believe can be found. Lha if not also nemu? Try Googling deh:)
Now to start oprek SIM pharmacy earlier. Start learning the code, oprek and add functions as needed. Still no simple first papa. Open all files image, both gif, jpg and png. Do image editing, or create a new, unique and special. Basically percantik design, this is a joke, let alone your swashbuckler image manipulation and photo (not the original porno):) Do not forget to check the license that does not melanggat, and also give credit to the developers if the original opensource. I need to enter a risih the phrase "Powered by .... "Or" Engine by ... "in the SIM Apotik we oprek earlier.
Eng-ing-eng ... we already have a software product that is ready I offered, even if simple engine and its ngambil from the example in the book or opensource. Nah obrolkan friend with which we select before, ask him to "persuade" that his father would use the software on the SIM that he owned pharmacies. I do not need to pay, free, live nyediakan PC or laptopnya course, do not need sophisticated itupun-powerful. Old computer just yet SIM, we also feature many have not.
Successfully implemented, hurray! With our friends before, aid officials pharmacy data to the data entry list of drugs provided by pharmacies. Do not forget to make banners and brochures on the computer before, give any posts: "This Apotik Managed with Apotik Management Information System (SIMAPO) ver 1.0";)
Do not be satisfied until there, create a site for a campaign, if there is no capital use only with the free blog Wordpress.Com or Deh blog, tell SIMAPO how it developed. Write the introduction of management information systems, about the drugs, the pharmacies, pharmacy on why IT must be utilized. If you need to Care for visitors with a list of pharmacies throughout the country, from which the data? Yes or YellowPage search of Googling yo. Ops so rusted, do not forget to give the text a bit gede: "SIMAPO ver 1.0 has been implemented in A Pharmacies in the city of Indonesia."
Still not be satisfied, touched another friend who has a neighbor, grandfather, grandmother, father, mother, uncle or brother both far and near who manage pharmacy. Request that would install, free of charge, but if I also want to pay nolak, deh Rp 500,000, Rp 50,000 ditawar if I'm not the problem. Think of any increased costs to install the SIM angkot it:). Do not forget to update banners and brochures, "This Apotik Managed with SIMAPO ver 1.0, Management Information System for Pharmacies that have been implemented in some large city in Indonesia."
Alhamdulillah can have two customer coi! While still free, but bearable for nambahi Portfolio:) oprek Start-oprek application Pharmacies we add features based on feedback from Apotik who already use. Benahi more user interface, percantik again, make a fresh and unique, give the new version 1.1. Begin to offer more, not only more free, Rp 300,000 or Rp 700,000 gitu deh, but if you have a friend their own home have cost the road also OK:) Hopefully can continue to develop, or in 1-2 years probably could have started follow-up tender with the Ministry of Health pagu Rp 100 million for the SIM Apotik tuh ... hehehe
If it is cooked with a product, continues to refine the product until the full feature. And if interested to develop other products, ranging from the first phase, looking for friends that his father has a workshop, the library, a bookstore, etc.. Lha know who can bikinkan application for a workshop, a library or bookstore.
I feel, after passing through the stages to 10, two students lugu we reincarnate into two entrepreneur:) The friends who still others hurried to bring job application letter, the two graduate students this when it is independent, have a well-established products , which is ready for sale and offered to various institutions or companies. Apparently does not enter university futile lho, knowledge learned on campus can be used to thank God our lives, can even open a new employment.
Gmail Mobile 2.0 Has Come
The company's search engine giant, Google has released version dikabarkan middle teranyar Gmail. On Thursday (23/10) and Google announced the launch of Gmail for Mobile 2.0. Gmail is a new jail technology tools that support J2ME mobile phone, such as the Nokia N95, which mengusung performance of the BlackBerry.
According to the Gmail engineers, production is now more focus on the process faster and more evident that the experience for users. Gmail's online application also offers a more spirited performance and there is no awkwardness in the process of data input.
Gmail for Mobile 2.0 offers the option to save the email have not sent (draft) on the phone. In addition, the shortcut can also added that mobile phone users will be easier when using the QWERTY keyboard, with a 'z' command to undo, 'k' to go to the conversation, and 'j' to go to long conversations.
Gmail for Mobile 2.0 is now you can enjoy and can be downloaded to the mobile access Google.
The company's search engine giant, Google has released version dikabarkan middle teranyar Gmail. On Thursday (23/10) and Google announced the launch of Gmail for Mobile 2.0. Gmail is a new jail technology tools that support J2ME mobile phone, such as the Nokia N95, which mengusung performance of the BlackBerry.
According to the Gmail engineers, production is now more focus on the process faster and more evident that the experience for users. Gmail's online application also offers a more spirited performance and there is no awkwardness in the process of data input.
Gmail for Mobile 2.0 offers the option to save the email have not sent (draft) on the phone. In addition, the shortcut can also added that mobile phone users will be easier when using the QWERTY keyboard, with a 'z' command to undo, 'k' to go to the conversation, and 'j' to go to long conversations.
Gmail for Mobile 2.0 is now you can enjoy and can be downloaded to the mobile access Google.
The strength of the Leader
Leadership to bring a philosophical sense of energy to drive people toward a goal. On the other hand, the leader is also a place where people bercermin. When the "word" is strategic for the implementation of the foundation and also build a foundation-building mirror. But the case of student evaluation reports were distributed red leadership our country, we can pull up fiber-fiber memerahnya as the value of the word of the leaders.
The strength of the words has the frame, wrap the struggle, and carve the password of the emergence of the leaders. Delivers a former slave named Hun Tariq bin Ziyad be a leader of Islamic conqueror Europe. With the words of famous enough when ordered to burn pasukannya ships themselves, "We come here not to return. We only have the option, conquered the country and settle here, or we are all martyrs. "
The strength of the words the leaders, also has been a success in steering the project dozens of lighthouse and the "mission impossible" in Japan. Is a success story leaders unknown (mumei no hitotachi), in technology development, physical development, improvement of methods of education, etc.. Insiprasi give to a TV producer NHK Japan (Akira Imai) for the TV program entitled Project X, and also wrote a book titled "Project X - Rida Tachi no Kotoba (The word leader)."
Apart from the political past mistakes, we must also akui that the Indonesian military (TNI read) is one of the examples of institutions that canny enough coloring kaderisasi internal system using "positive therapy" dipondasi by the strength of words. So jargon, marching, slogans, and the doctrine of wise words of the predecessor is the "food" day-to-day the young and Taruna become important motivator they penyemangat movement. Peek into the education system that is Islam, not to us at a stage where the system kaderisasi hadith prophet, wise words of the scholars and thereafter, as an important jargon, or mirror elements of the struggle we motivator.
However the power of words is like a double-edged sword. The words of the leaders, on the one hand can bring benefits, but also can bring a tremendous kerusakkan for the people. Keterpurukan republic which has been running down the generations, one of the negative effects caused by the strength of the words of our leaders.
Then, how do we actually have to say words? Conception and methods of speaking, have been taught a clear to us by God.
Qaulan draft ma'rufa (good word) (QS. 4:5). The word that both educate, and can be as a mirror in public action.
Qaulan draft sadida (the word of a clear and correct) (QS. 4:9; 33:70) to bring the word of the implications that a leader must be firm, correct, straight to the point, and free from the "language rape". Not a leader orator who bisanya only to deceive the people with the words of the abstract, "ngeles", or words that anesthetize ambiguous. Means that the firm is not hard or rough, but the firm to bring the meaning of consistency and dependability principles.
Qaulan draft layyina (a gentle word) (QS. 20:44). Dilatar belakangi story by the prophet Moses and Aaron by the God to Fir'aun face with a gentle word. God gave us the advice to remain soft, although the face is a cruel and perusak.Tentu this can not dihantamkan with the draft qaulan sadida. Thus specificity is pengokoh softness.
Qaulan draft maisura (appropriate word) (QS. 17:28). Do not use words that are not reasonable and perasaaan offensive, even if we are to subordinate, to the recipient infaq property-wealth we, and especially to those who are older than us.
Qaulan draft baligha (word that imprint on the soul) (QS. 4:63), is a speech that touches the soul weight ruh and the pendengarnya. By using the "language" according to the ability of mass faced, silver-and its meaning clear.
Draft qaulan karima (the word of a noble) (QS. 17:23) the word of courtesy, respect and affection. The word is not challenging or even a humble listener.
Easy-mudahaan and we are also the leaders we get guidance from God, to reflect the sixth draft Qurani over in real life.
Leadership to bring a philosophical sense of energy to drive people toward a goal. On the other hand, the leader is also a place where people bercermin. When the "word" is strategic for the implementation of the foundation and also build a foundation-building mirror. But the case of student evaluation reports were distributed red leadership our country, we can pull up fiber-fiber memerahnya as the value of the word of the leaders.
The strength of the words has the frame, wrap the struggle, and carve the password of the emergence of the leaders. Delivers a former slave named Hun Tariq bin Ziyad be a leader of Islamic conqueror Europe. With the words of famous enough when ordered to burn pasukannya ships themselves, "We come here not to return. We only have the option, conquered the country and settle here, or we are all martyrs. "
The strength of the words the leaders, also has been a success in steering the project dozens of lighthouse and the "mission impossible" in Japan. Is a success story leaders unknown (mumei no hitotachi), in technology development, physical development, improvement of methods of education, etc.. Insiprasi give to a TV producer NHK Japan (Akira Imai) for the TV program entitled Project X, and also wrote a book titled "Project X - Rida Tachi no Kotoba (The word leader)."
Apart from the political past mistakes, we must also akui that the Indonesian military (TNI read) is one of the examples of institutions that canny enough coloring kaderisasi internal system using "positive therapy" dipondasi by the strength of words. So jargon, marching, slogans, and the doctrine of wise words of the predecessor is the "food" day-to-day the young and Taruna become important motivator they penyemangat movement. Peek into the education system that is Islam, not to us at a stage where the system kaderisasi hadith prophet, wise words of the scholars and thereafter, as an important jargon, or mirror elements of the struggle we motivator.
However the power of words is like a double-edged sword. The words of the leaders, on the one hand can bring benefits, but also can bring a tremendous kerusakkan for the people. Keterpurukan republic which has been running down the generations, one of the negative effects caused by the strength of the words of our leaders.
Then, how do we actually have to say words? Conception and methods of speaking, have been taught a clear to us by God.
Qaulan draft ma'rufa (good word) (QS. 4:5). The word that both educate, and can be as a mirror in public action.
Qaulan draft sadida (the word of a clear and correct) (QS. 4:9; 33:70) to bring the word of the implications that a leader must be firm, correct, straight to the point, and free from the "language rape". Not a leader orator who bisanya only to deceive the people with the words of the abstract, "ngeles", or words that anesthetize ambiguous. Means that the firm is not hard or rough, but the firm to bring the meaning of consistency and dependability principles.
Qaulan draft layyina (a gentle word) (QS. 20:44). Dilatar belakangi story by the prophet Moses and Aaron by the God to Fir'aun face with a gentle word. God gave us the advice to remain soft, although the face is a cruel and perusak.Tentu this can not dihantamkan with the draft qaulan sadida. Thus specificity is pengokoh softness.
Qaulan draft maisura (appropriate word) (QS. 17:28). Do not use words that are not reasonable and perasaaan offensive, even if we are to subordinate, to the recipient infaq property-wealth we, and especially to those who are older than us.
Qaulan draft baligha (word that imprint on the soul) (QS. 4:63), is a speech that touches the soul weight ruh and the pendengarnya. By using the "language" according to the ability of mass faced, silver-and its meaning clear.
Draft qaulan karima (the word of a noble) (QS. 17:23) the word of courtesy, respect and affection. The word is not challenging or even a humble listener.
Easy-mudahaan and we are also the leaders we get guidance from God, to reflect the sixth draft Qurani over in real life.
Chance! So Google Earth Andalan Terrorists.
Google Earth is behind the bombardment of events that occurred in Mumbai. In fact the terrorist attacks of various locations in the south of Mumbai on sunday and use digital maps from Google Earth. Technology is used to learn the position of direction, especially to investigate attack.
According to investigations conducted by Mumbai police, including when wet mengangkap one terrorist, there's the fact that terrorists have been trained in serious use Google Earth. They even use advanced technology such as the satellite phone and Global Positioning System (GPS).
Previously, Google Earth had got criticism in India, including by the president earlier, APJ Abdul Kalam. In 2005, Kalam had warned that the convenience offered through the Google Earth digital maps can be misused by terrorists.
Indian security agencies have complained that even Google Earth has been India mengekpos defense and other sensitive installations. While in other countries, including China also have the same complaint regarding the location of the military in the State.
Although the places that have become the terrorist incaran sunday ago not to include in the defense or the location of sensitive installations. Google Earth is used before the terrorist attack. They even use the maps tourists who visit Mumbai. Locations include two hotels, a restaurant, a residential complex and the railway station.
Google Earth is behind the bombardment of events that occurred in Mumbai. In fact the terrorist attacks of various locations in the south of Mumbai on sunday and use digital maps from Google Earth. Technology is used to learn the position of direction, especially to investigate attack.
According to investigations conducted by Mumbai police, including when wet mengangkap one terrorist, there's the fact that terrorists have been trained in serious use Google Earth. They even use advanced technology such as the satellite phone and Global Positioning System (GPS).
Previously, Google Earth had got criticism in India, including by the president earlier, APJ Abdul Kalam. In 2005, Kalam had warned that the convenience offered through the Google Earth digital maps can be misused by terrorists.
Indian security agencies have complained that even Google Earth has been India mengekpos defense and other sensitive installations. While in other countries, including China also have the same complaint regarding the location of the military in the State.
Although the places that have become the terrorist incaran sunday ago not to include in the defense or the location of sensitive installations. Google Earth is used before the terrorist attack. They even use the maps tourists who visit Mumbai. Locations include two hotels, a restaurant, a residential complex and the railway station.
Firefox 3 Preparing a World record
Presumably Mozilla has set up a scenario publicity siphon attention to telling the user's browser, which is trying to record-breaking download within 24 hours. And Firefox 3 works! Within 24 hours occurred 8.3 million downloads.
NetApplications even watched the results show how fast the distribution kencangnya browser Mozilla release the latest version of this. Less than 24 hours after the release, Firefox 3 works the more than 4% use a Web browser in various parts of the world. Compare with the Apple Safari owned until last May the new Opera 6.25% and 0.71%.
Interests menggebu-gebu from loyalis this opportunity to make Firefox Mozilla server "sprawl" for two hours on Wednesday morning yesterday. John Lilly (Mozilla CEO) revealed that the server is operated to serve up to 83 terabyte of data. Even at its peak, said Lilly, going 17 thousand downloads per minute (equal to 283 per second). Throughput at the mirror site Mozilla reached its peak in the number 20Gb/detik.
Will Mozilla Firefox 3 with a record world record?
Presumably Mozilla has set up a scenario publicity siphon attention to telling the user's browser, which is trying to record-breaking download within 24 hours. And Firefox 3 works! Within 24 hours occurred 8.3 million downloads.
NetApplications even watched the results show how fast the distribution kencangnya browser Mozilla release the latest version of this. Less than 24 hours after the release, Firefox 3 works the more than 4% use a Web browser in various parts of the world. Compare with the Apple Safari owned until last May the new Opera 6.25% and 0.71%.
Interests menggebu-gebu from loyalis this opportunity to make Firefox Mozilla server "sprawl" for two hours on Wednesday morning yesterday. John Lilly (Mozilla CEO) revealed that the server is operated to serve up to 83 terabyte of data. Even at its peak, said Lilly, going 17 thousand downloads per minute (equal to 283 per second). Throughput at the mirror site Mozilla reached its peak in the number 20Gb/detik.
Will Mozilla Firefox 3 with a record world record?
The World Is Flat: 10 off the strength of the World
In the book The World Is Flat, Friedman said that the world didatarkan convergence by 10 major events related to politics, innovation and the company. Rapid development that makes people become increasingly busy, the more you can see one another, although in a different hemisphere. Continuing my previous article, entitled The World Is Flat: New version of globalization, I try to summarize the strength of 10 according to Friedman pendataran support the world.
Berlin wall fall on 9 November 1989 is a milestone starting democratization and the growth of creativity. Not only become a historical point of departure bersatunya germany east and west, they fall even Berlin wall to India. Minister keungan India at the time that is Mannohan Singh took the initiative to start opening the door economy in 1991, release management style socialist who almost membangkrutkan India, increasing foreign exchange reserves that were previously only $ 1 million to $ 118 billion, and increase the economic growth of only 3% to more than 7%. In Europe alone the Berlin wall fall opened the way terbentuknya EU, expansion of 15 countries to 25 countries, and with the emergence of a currency named Euro.
6 months after the Berlin wall fall, Microsoft Windows 3.0 with features that appear easier to use. Although, of course, Bill Gates must say thank you to our competitors that is Steve Jobs the first home computer pioneer Apple II called 1977, which also open the standard IBM Personal Computer (PC) so that it can be developed by anyone in the world like this now. Some creativity in the escape by Friedman is noted in the same year Linus Torvald build the first generation of the Linux kernel, which is suspected by the author does not own Linux operating system into a modern and biggest rival Microsoft in the present era.
2. ZAMAN connectivity: WHEN the world WWW
World Wide Web (WWW) or change the Web and then called the Internet a wonderful virtual world. With the Web people can put the paper to digital accessible to anyone, the documents that are stored on the server and displaying on a computer screen in a way that is easy. Tim Berners-Lee the creator of the WWW has participated in the process out of the world. In thesis PhDnya Tim Berners-Lee to continue working Vint Cerf and Bob Kahn developed the first Internet. Web space is a virtual information, if a lot of computers on the Internet, the Web is in many documents, voice, video, and various other information. Not one of the Times magazine edition 14 June 1999 placing Tim Berners-Lee as one of the 100 most influential people in the 20th century. Tim Berners-Lee still struggling to make WWW open, without property rights and free. He also popularize the code that is easy to learn hypertext (HTML), the design scheme of the address (URL), designing the rules on the Web, which then became HTTP (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol).
What are Tim Berners-Lee certainly will not be booming without the role of Jim Clark and Marc Andreessen that make the browser called mosaic and then changed to Netscape. Go public its leadership in the days of Netscape's Jim Barksdale as CEO in 1994 opened a new sheet of bubble (bubble) a lot of capital to new business in the Internet. Global Crossing, including companies that splashed bubble, because the trust and investment gain of nearly all telecommunications companies to install fiber optic cable network in the world. Netscape and Global Crossing did not participate in the dotcom business, but they are a pioneer reclaim dotcom business (including eBay, Amazon and Google). Said another historical fact, the bankrupt Global Crossing with $ 12.4 billion in debt because of too much fiber optic network that was built when traffic needs of the business does not. Netscape also must roll mats purchased by AOL. Bill Gates mengibaratkan this phenomenon with the Internet business is business as gold, sometimes more money generated from the sale of Levis, hoe, shovel, and hotel rooms to the penambang than that obtained from the gold mine itself.
3. REFORMASI work flow and software
The influence of the era of connectivity with the Internet and the Web to open the possibility of changes in work flow significantly. Scott Hyten is the CEO of Wild Brain, great animation company in San Francisco that has been making films and cartoons for Disney. Scott told how he produced a film with the work flow of the world even. Recording unit is located near the artists, usually in New York or LA. Design and penyutradaraan conducted in San Francisco. The authors send naskahnya of each of their home (Florida, London, New York, Chicago and LA). Animated figures-tokohnya done in Bangalore and the editing is done in San Francisco. Natural flow of the style of Scott called "soccer" is very efficient, so the 8 team in Bangalore to work in parallel with 8 authors, although the artist should be involved in 50 productions.
All work can be done over because of a software work flow well. Fiber optic network over high-speed, Internet technology and support protokolnya, from HTTP, SMTP, POP, SNMP, HTML, XML, SOAP, AJAX, and also with the ease of electronic payments such as PayPal payment gateway, the company offers solutions such SalesForce.Com and devices workflow software that can solve problems and provide effective business solutions.
For while the first, "Lho kok cuman 3, he said there are 10?". Yes biar seru awaited and waiting, I continue in the next article.
In the book The World Is Flat, Friedman said that the world didatarkan convergence by 10 major events related to politics, innovation and the company. Rapid development that makes people become increasingly busy, the more you can see one another, although in a different hemisphere. Continuing my previous article, entitled The World Is Flat: New version of globalization, I try to summarize the strength of 10 according to Friedman pendataran support the world.
Berlin wall fall on 9 November 1989 is a milestone starting democratization and the growth of creativity. Not only become a historical point of departure bersatunya germany east and west, they fall even Berlin wall to India. Minister keungan India at the time that is Mannohan Singh took the initiative to start opening the door economy in 1991, release management style socialist who almost membangkrutkan India, increasing foreign exchange reserves that were previously only $ 1 million to $ 118 billion, and increase the economic growth of only 3% to more than 7%. In Europe alone the Berlin wall fall opened the way terbentuknya EU, expansion of 15 countries to 25 countries, and with the emergence of a currency named Euro.
6 months after the Berlin wall fall, Microsoft Windows 3.0 with features that appear easier to use. Although, of course, Bill Gates must say thank you to our competitors that is Steve Jobs the first home computer pioneer Apple II called 1977, which also open the standard IBM Personal Computer (PC) so that it can be developed by anyone in the world like this now. Some creativity in the escape by Friedman is noted in the same year Linus Torvald build the first generation of the Linux kernel, which is suspected by the author does not own Linux operating system into a modern and biggest rival Microsoft in the present era.
2. ZAMAN connectivity: WHEN the world WWW
World Wide Web (WWW) or change the Web and then called the Internet a wonderful virtual world. With the Web people can put the paper to digital accessible to anyone, the documents that are stored on the server and displaying on a computer screen in a way that is easy. Tim Berners-Lee the creator of the WWW has participated in the process out of the world. In thesis PhDnya Tim Berners-Lee to continue working Vint Cerf and Bob Kahn developed the first Internet. Web space is a virtual information, if a lot of computers on the Internet, the Web is in many documents, voice, video, and various other information. Not one of the Times magazine edition 14 June 1999 placing Tim Berners-Lee as one of the 100 most influential people in the 20th century. Tim Berners-Lee still struggling to make WWW open, without property rights and free. He also popularize the code that is easy to learn hypertext (HTML), the design scheme of the address (URL), designing the rules on the Web, which then became HTTP (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol).
What are Tim Berners-Lee certainly will not be booming without the role of Jim Clark and Marc Andreessen that make the browser called mosaic and then changed to Netscape. Go public its leadership in the days of Netscape's Jim Barksdale as CEO in 1994 opened a new sheet of bubble (bubble) a lot of capital to new business in the Internet. Global Crossing, including companies that splashed bubble, because the trust and investment gain of nearly all telecommunications companies to install fiber optic cable network in the world. Netscape and Global Crossing did not participate in the dotcom business, but they are a pioneer reclaim dotcom business (including eBay, Amazon and Google). Said another historical fact, the bankrupt Global Crossing with $ 12.4 billion in debt because of too much fiber optic network that was built when traffic needs of the business does not. Netscape also must roll mats purchased by AOL. Bill Gates mengibaratkan this phenomenon with the Internet business is business as gold, sometimes more money generated from the sale of Levis, hoe, shovel, and hotel rooms to the penambang than that obtained from the gold mine itself.
3. REFORMASI work flow and software
The influence of the era of connectivity with the Internet and the Web to open the possibility of changes in work flow significantly. Scott Hyten is the CEO of Wild Brain, great animation company in San Francisco that has been making films and cartoons for Disney. Scott told how he produced a film with the work flow of the world even. Recording unit is located near the artists, usually in New York or LA. Design and penyutradaraan conducted in San Francisco. The authors send naskahnya of each of their home (Florida, London, New York, Chicago and LA). Animated figures-tokohnya done in Bangalore and the editing is done in San Francisco. Natural flow of the style of Scott called "soccer" is very efficient, so the 8 team in Bangalore to work in parallel with 8 authors, although the artist should be involved in 50 productions.
All work can be done over because of a software work flow well. Fiber optic network over high-speed, Internet technology and support protokolnya, from HTTP, SMTP, POP, SNMP, HTML, XML, SOAP, AJAX, and also with the ease of electronic payments such as PayPal payment gateway, the company offers solutions such SalesForce.Com and devices workflow software that can solve problems and provide effective business solutions.
For while the first, "Lho kok cuman 3, he said there are 10?". Yes biar seru awaited and waiting, I continue in the next article.
Kaspersky: Leave Internet Explorer
Kasperky Database (10/12) recorded record of malicious code take advantage of the weakness of Internet Explorer. Even kasperky encourage users to leave Internet Explorer and switch to other internet browser, such as Mozilla Firefox and besutan google browser, Chrome.
Previously, hackers closed forum in November ago said there were hazardous code and weaknesses of all versions of Internet Explorer. Meanwhile, in the (9 / 12), a group of Chinese hackers KnownSec Team, meramu code is dangerous, and there is a commentary on the XML in Internet Explorer.
A result that caused many, such as malware can cause the growth, the internet banking users with Trojan-Win32 banker banker, steal personal data from computer users in the infected zombie network. That no less importance is also the adult sites and sites that potentially weak against SQL injection attacks.
In addition, the Microsoft respond, so that the user to observe some basic safety rules. As disable Active Scripting and memory protection.
Kasperky Database (10/12) recorded record of malicious code take advantage of the weakness of Internet Explorer. Even kasperky encourage users to leave Internet Explorer and switch to other internet browser, such as Mozilla Firefox and besutan google browser, Chrome.
Previously, hackers closed forum in November ago said there were hazardous code and weaknesses of all versions of Internet Explorer. Meanwhile, in the (9 / 12), a group of Chinese hackers KnownSec Team, meramu code is dangerous, and there is a commentary on the XML in Internet Explorer.
A result that caused many, such as malware can cause the growth, the internet banking users with Trojan-Win32 banker banker, steal personal data from computer users in the infected zombie network. That no less importance is also the adult sites and sites that potentially weak against SQL injection attacks.
In addition, the Microsoft respond, so that the user to observe some basic safety rules. As disable Active Scripting and memory protection.
22 December 2008
What are the advantages of this type of instant messaging compared with the instant messaging application in the form of self? Imagine if you use the computer for about not available instant messaging application one.
Penginstalnya download the file, then do the install, requires a longer time. Can be partners who want to chat is to sign out because I waited patiently.
Services send a message is also a practical solution if you point instant messaging blocked by the network administrator at your place of work. Unless all the web addresses of web services-based chat is also to face.
Because the web-based, chating with a web-based IM not need to set up the IP address (Internet protocol). Such as browsing, you simply open the Internet browser, go to the address of the service, the login account with a username and password that you use your normal, and chat directly with quickly.
Various options
Almost all instant messaging services from MSN, Yahoo! Messenger, Google Talk also to have a messaging service web-based version. Some are still Beta, but it is tolerable to be smooth.
If your Yahoo! Messenger, take advantage of the web version of the chat service in the address. This is a practical solution if the applications are problematic chats on your PC.
How life is not difficult. If you already have an account Y! M, live just enter the username and password in the field.
Facilities that are standard in the program Y! M here, just not all the options settings and plugins available. Flash-based web application is still the option to include the emoticon, font choices, to view the facilities to show friends that are offline and online.
This is actually the facilities you can feel directly at the e-mail account Yahoo! You. Especially if you already have a new interface Yahoo! Mail.
Your MSN Messenger users and Google Talk can also access the web version of each service in and #. Fiturnya similar to Yahoo! Messenger, the only available standard, but this has been adequate.
One site, Various IM
In addition to the official services of their respective instant messaging, you can find the services of third parties. Usually this third-party services provide access to many facilities services. One of the Most and is Meebo.
With Meebo (at the end of, you can access the party line chat service. In one website, you can chat using multiple accounts at once, such as Yahoo! Messenger, AIM, Google Talk, and MSN Messenger. In addition, Meebo provides its own channel for chatting among fellow users Meebo.
Here, you can activate several accounts at once. And everything can be monitored from a window in a web browser. Indeed, the only active facilities to send, receive text messages only, not yet available about the video or audio call. This service is very effective if you have a lot of the messenger account and want to open simultaneously, without having to move the application window.
Services such as Meebo is that more and more. Access channel messenger offered any more. One is eBuddy. Berlamat this service have access to the chat MSN Messenger, Yahoo Messenger, AIM, GTalk, to a canal messaging eBuddy own property. Moreover, private message service in the My Space can diaksesnya. Not only that, you can use the phone.
More like a canal? Try Kool IM in Here, you can access AIM, MSN, Yahoo!, Google Talk, ICQ, Gadu-Gadu, and X-Fire. ICQ chat service that is long familiar in the virtual Zagat. A complete. All can be accessed only with only one browser window.
There are many other services. Some you can see the address in the box. From all these services, offer effectiveness in all send and receive messages, without having to install the program. There is also a special point to messaging via mobile device.
This means you no longer need to fuss difficulties in communication access point because many alternative options. No longer resentful said although Y! M blocked. Yeah, nothing wrong with the chat, because this could be the tool of communication that are cheaper labor. Chat with friends on the job? Can only remember the origin of the time. All can be arranged.
Accessing Yahoo! M party-point
Put the words, the application Yahoo! Messenger you are ngadat. Have checked the connection settings, where the message can not be sent. How solution to the communication can still run. Follow these guidelines:
How to take advantage of Yahoo! Web Messenger
1. Open the address
2. Click the button [Sign In] and enter your username and password Yahoo! You in the field that appears.
3. Wait some time to display messaging window appears.
4. Now you select a live friends (or Friends, Friends) from the list on the left side of the browser window with a click.
5. Type a message in the fields that are in the middle down.
6. Similar applications in the Y! M, you can change the type, color, size and letters here. You can also insert emoticons.
7. To add friends to chat, you can click [Add]
8. and select the type of contact a friend who desired options phone contacts, Windows Live and Yahoo!.
If you want a list of friends who are online only, do the following:
1. click [View]
2. [Show online contacts only].
3. The list of messages sent and received you can access the link [Write History].
How to utilize E-mail Accounts
You can also chat window via your e-mail account. How:
1. go to your e-mail account.
2. Make sure you view using the Yahoo! The new mail, similar to Microsoft Outlook.
3. To enable instant messenger on Yahoo! Mail, click the triangle in the right side of the link "Offline" link at the top of this page.
4. From the menu that appears, select [Available].
5. Wait some time to appear the list of your friends to chat in the left panel of the web page.
6. Click one of the friends and wait until a new tab window appears containing the box to send-receive messages.
7. Then type the message you live and press [Send], such as how to chat in the usual instant messaging.
Web-Based Messenger Options
Instant messenger service, web-based Meebo is not alone. You have many alternatives. This is the choice: / aimexpress.adp # / webmsg / index.jsp
What are the advantages of this type of instant messaging compared with the instant messaging application in the form of self? Imagine if you use the computer for about not available instant messaging application one.
Penginstalnya download the file, then do the install, requires a longer time. Can be partners who want to chat is to sign out because I waited patiently.
Services send a message is also a practical solution if you point instant messaging blocked by the network administrator at your place of work. Unless all the web addresses of web services-based chat is also to face.
Because the web-based, chating with a web-based IM not need to set up the IP address (Internet protocol). Such as browsing, you simply open the Internet browser, go to the address of the service, the login account with a username and password that you use your normal, and chat directly with quickly.
Various options
Almost all instant messaging services from MSN, Yahoo! Messenger, Google Talk also to have a messaging service web-based version. Some are still Beta, but it is tolerable to be smooth.
If your Yahoo! Messenger, take advantage of the web version of the chat service in the address. This is a practical solution if the applications are problematic chats on your PC.
How life is not difficult. If you already have an account Y! M, live just enter the username and password in the field.
Facilities that are standard in the program Y! M here, just not all the options settings and plugins available. Flash-based web application is still the option to include the emoticon, font choices, to view the facilities to show friends that are offline and online.
This is actually the facilities you can feel directly at the e-mail account Yahoo! You. Especially if you already have a new interface Yahoo! Mail.
Your MSN Messenger users and Google Talk can also access the web version of each service in and #. Fiturnya similar to Yahoo! Messenger, the only available standard, but this has been adequate.
One site, Various IM
In addition to the official services of their respective instant messaging, you can find the services of third parties. Usually this third-party services provide access to many facilities services. One of the Most and is Meebo.
With Meebo (at the end of, you can access the party line chat service. In one website, you can chat using multiple accounts at once, such as Yahoo! Messenger, AIM, Google Talk, and MSN Messenger. In addition, Meebo provides its own channel for chatting among fellow users Meebo.
Here, you can activate several accounts at once. And everything can be monitored from a window in a web browser. Indeed, the only active facilities to send, receive text messages only, not yet available about the video or audio call. This service is very effective if you have a lot of the messenger account and want to open simultaneously, without having to move the application window.
Services such as Meebo is that more and more. Access channel messenger offered any more. One is eBuddy. Berlamat this service have access to the chat MSN Messenger, Yahoo Messenger, AIM, GTalk, to a canal messaging eBuddy own property. Moreover, private message service in the My Space can diaksesnya. Not only that, you can use the phone.
More like a canal? Try Kool IM in Here, you can access AIM, MSN, Yahoo!, Google Talk, ICQ, Gadu-Gadu, and X-Fire. ICQ chat service that is long familiar in the virtual Zagat. A complete. All can be accessed only with only one browser window.
There are many other services. Some you can see the address in the box. From all these services, offer effectiveness in all send and receive messages, without having to install the program. There is also a special point to messaging via mobile device.
This means you no longer need to fuss difficulties in communication access point because many alternative options. No longer resentful said although Y! M blocked. Yeah, nothing wrong with the chat, because this could be the tool of communication that are cheaper labor. Chat with friends on the job? Can only remember the origin of the time. All can be arranged.
Accessing Yahoo! M party-point
Put the words, the application Yahoo! Messenger you are ngadat. Have checked the connection settings, where the message can not be sent. How solution to the communication can still run. Follow these guidelines:
How to take advantage of Yahoo! Web Messenger
1. Open the address
2. Click the button [Sign In] and enter your username and password Yahoo! You in the field that appears.
3. Wait some time to display messaging window appears.
4. Now you select a live friends (or Friends, Friends) from the list on the left side of the browser window with a click.
5. Type a message in the fields that are in the middle down.
6. Similar applications in the Y! M, you can change the type, color, size and letters here. You can also insert emoticons.
7. To add friends to chat, you can click [Add]
8. and select the type of contact a friend who desired options phone contacts, Windows Live and Yahoo!.
If you want a list of friends who are online only, do the following:
1. click [View]
2. [Show online contacts only].
3. The list of messages sent and received you can access the link [Write History].
How to utilize E-mail Accounts
You can also chat window via your e-mail account. How:
1. go to your e-mail account.
2. Make sure you view using the Yahoo! The new mail, similar to Microsoft Outlook.
3. To enable instant messenger on Yahoo! Mail, click the triangle in the right side of the link "Offline" link at the top of this page.
4. From the menu that appears, select [Available].
5. Wait some time to appear the list of your friends to chat in the left panel of the web page.
6. Click one of the friends and wait until a new tab window appears containing the box to send-receive messages.
7. Then type the message you live and press [Send], such as how to chat in the usual instant messaging.
Web-Based Messenger Options
Instant messenger service, web-based Meebo is not alone. You have many alternatives. This is the choice: / aimexpress.adp # / webmsg / index.jsp
Japan prepares replacement technology internet
Thursday, 30 August 2007 | 11:39 WIB
TOKYO, THURSDAY - Fast or slow Internet network will reach capacity meksimumnya that may not serve the data communications traffic increase. Japan set up a research center to develop technology such as the replacement effort has also done research in the U.S. and Europe.
Yoshihiro Onishi, one of the officials of the directors at the Japanese communications ministry said, Japan will take this opportunity to mention that can compete in the world. He said the technology of the Internet network is expected to be implemented starting 2020.
One of the factors that make the Internet can develop so rapidly that the architecture is open and flexible. However, it also causes a waste of information freely given, especially from the sender spam and hacker free to wander in the virtual world.
"Internet almost to the limit, we think the research on technology like this is needed," Onishi said, as quoted the AP. Step in line with a number of scientists in the world to begin to realize that the network is really new is needed in the capacity of the Internet already can not be improved.
Later the new network may run parallel with the Internet network are currently replaces or even entirely. One of the research also directed to evaluate the architecture, which is currently used. In addition, scientists exploring the technology to the network requires more energy small.
Efforts by the Japanese government will be funded from the budget year that starts every 1 April. The amount was not announced but the research plan will be determined starting end of this year. The Japanese Government will establish special organizations to determine the research program, which also involve the role of the private sector.
Onishi said the collaboration with other countries will be considered. Similar previous efforts have been made with the support of the U.S. funds fully from Kogress. Network technology as the future of the Internet is estimated to be between 10 to 15 years.
Thursday, 30 August 2007 | 11:39 WIB
TOKYO, THURSDAY - Fast or slow Internet network will reach capacity meksimumnya that may not serve the data communications traffic increase. Japan set up a research center to develop technology such as the replacement effort has also done research in the U.S. and Europe.
Yoshihiro Onishi, one of the officials of the directors at the Japanese communications ministry said, Japan will take this opportunity to mention that can compete in the world. He said the technology of the Internet network is expected to be implemented starting 2020.
One of the factors that make the Internet can develop so rapidly that the architecture is open and flexible. However, it also causes a waste of information freely given, especially from the sender spam and hacker free to wander in the virtual world.
"Internet almost to the limit, we think the research on technology like this is needed," Onishi said, as quoted the AP. Step in line with a number of scientists in the world to begin to realize that the network is really new is needed in the capacity of the Internet already can not be improved.
Later the new network may run parallel with the Internet network are currently replaces or even entirely. One of the research also directed to evaluate the architecture, which is currently used. In addition, scientists exploring the technology to the network requires more energy small.
Efforts by the Japanese government will be funded from the budget year that starts every 1 April. The amount was not announced but the research plan will be determined starting end of this year. The Japanese Government will establish special organizations to determine the research program, which also involve the role of the private sector.
Onishi said the collaboration with other countries will be considered. Similar previous efforts have been made with the support of the U.S. funds fully from Kogress. Network technology as the future of the Internet is estimated to be between 10 to 15 years.
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